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Parent email

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Any email addresses provided by the school will be used for school business only, for the purpose of communicating with parents/guardians regarding school-related activities and events. In grade-level or homeroom parent communications and in the Dispatch newsletter, we are not able to include parent social events that involve the sale of merchandise for the benefit of a specific business. Messages that include promotional offers for businesses (whether or not a portion of sales benefits St. Stephen's and St. Agnes) must first be reviewed by the Development Office. Please refer to the parent email acceptable use policy for further guidelines. Please do not use these lists for any personal or professional purposes, as that violates the agreement. Advertising is expressly forbidden.

The provided email addresses are for YOUR USE ONLY. Please do not create print copies or distribute this list to any friends, family, other parents, or members of the APT. Every effort must be made to keep parent addresses confidential.

Please do not forward SSSAS parent emails, or personal content from them, without the original author's prior written permission. If an email contains information from more than one person, permission must be received from all authors.

Use of the provided list must be compliant with all legal regulations; therefore please do not email copyrighted images or information.

The use of the SSSAS parent email lists is a privilege, not a right. Abuse of the lists will result in parents requesting to be removed from the lists, asking the school not the share their addresses with the APT, and SSSAS discontinuing our policy of sharing email addresses with the APT.

In grade-level or homeroom parent communications and in the Dispatch newsletter, we are not able to include parent social events that involve the sale of merchandise for the benefit of a specific business. Messages that include promotional offers for businesses (whether or not a portion of sales benefits St. Stephen's and St. Agnes) must first be reviewed by the Development Office. Please refer to the parent email acceptable use policy for further guidelines.
  • Please keep messages brief and to the point.
  • Use a descriptive subject line.
  • Identify the audience of the list in your greeting.
  • Send individual responses to only the one individual (do not "reply all").
  • If you receive several responses to a question that you want to share with the group, consolidate them into one message before sending out to the list.
  • Try to avoid sending email chain discussions. Instead, summarize the content for your recipients and state the purpose of your message.
  • Please be professional and courteous to all parents in your communications.

1. So every member of the community can immediately recognize an email from the school, begin the subject line with “SSSAS:”
For example,
Subject: SSSAS: Grade 4 Picnic
Subject: SSSAS: Spring Gala Information
Subject: SSSAS: Kindergarten needs cookies Friday!
2. Immediately respond to parent requests to be removed from your email list. (We are legally required to complete the removal request within 72 hours.)

3. Use the BCC field (blind carbon copy) for parent email addresses to shield recipients’ addresses from each other and to reduce the "reply all" effect. If you do not know how to do this, please contact SSSAS technical support for assistance BEFORE sending an email to the list.

4. Include the following address in the CC address field [email protected].

Please note:
An automated rule based on these specifications files your messages away in a folder for our records. Please be aware that we will not regularly be reading these messages, they're just going into an archive. Thus if you wish to bring something to the school's attention, you'll need to take SSSAS out of the subject line.
This CC to the IT Department is requested on mass/group email messages. You do not need to CC on individual parent to parent communications, though it doesn't hurt anything if you do. Feel free to do so any time that you would like a third party record of any of your room parent communications.

5. Sign your full name, position, and email address at the bottom of each message.
For example:
Jane Smith
APT Room Parent Volunteer
[email protected]
6. Include the following two paragraphs of information at the end of your message:
For information on all APT events and programs, please visit If you have any questions, please email APT President Nichelle Sandy at [email protected].

Privacy Notice: As you have been previously notified, parent email information is shared with our school community organizations. If you would prefer not to receive emails regarding grade-level news, please hit the reply button and ask that your email address be removed. Your email information is regarded as strictly confidential and is never shared outside the school community.

Please visit for information about dues, gala, events and committees, shopping programs, and volunteer opportunities.