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An Episcopal School

About Us

As a member of the Church Schools in the Diocese of Virginia, our foundation and our mission are rooted firmly in the tenets of our Episcopal identity. We welcome all faiths, and we are called to love one another and honor one another for who God has made each of us. We take this charge seriously, and we are guided by our mission each and every day to value each member of our community as a child of God.

We live by the principles and ideals of our Episcopal identity through inclusive weekly chapel services on each campus; age-appropriate religious study that uses the teaching of Christian traditions to foster dialogue with other faith traditions, and community engagement that allows our students to practice empathy and develop an understanding of equity, justice, and inclusion. 

The second half of our school’s mission statement is a perfect expression of our Episcopal foundation: “Our mission is to pursue goodness as well as knowledge and to honor the unique value of each of our members as a child of God in a caring community.” Our school commits to the guiding principles of the Episcopal expression of Christianity. We believe that living a life of goodness is even more important than living a life of greatness. We will do our best to treat each member of our community as a child of God who has unique value and worth. One need not be a Christian or an Episcopalian to be valued by our Episcopal identity. You are valued for who you are.