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Other Ways to Support SSSAS

Support SSSAS


Endowments provide a stable stream of income for the school, which helps plan for our financial future and relieves pressure on our annual budgets. They are pools of funds held in trust for a charitable organization and invested, and the returns on investment are given to the organization to spend annually. Outright gifts have an immediate impact on our school and students, but gifts from an endowment last forever.

For more information on how to start an endowment at St. Stephen’s and St. Agnes, please reach out to Jennie Wills, Executive Director of Development at [email protected].

Planned Giving

Whatever campus, whatever decade you, your spouse, your child, or your grandchild attended, St. Stephen’s and St. Agnes School helped shape you and your family. While tuition covers many of our expenses, philanthropy not only helps close the gap, but also provides exemplary opportunities for our students through world-class teaching, facilities, and programming—all nurtured through our Episcopal identity. We are grateful that you are considering creating a lasting legacy through your estate.

SSSAS welcomes gifts for financial assistance to students, professional development for faculty, curriculum for areas of interest, supporting ongoing maintenance and improvement to facilities and beyond. If you wish to designate your gift this way, we request that you begin a conversation with us to determine how such a gift might best benefit all involved. Gifts through our general endowment allow the school to meet its day-to-day needs.

Go to Our Planned Giving Website

Memorial Giving 

The process of losing or honoring a loved one can be challenging, but St. Stephen’s and St Agnes School strives to provide thoughtful ways to provide a dedicated memorial space on any of our three campuses. We are honored that you have chosen to remember your alum, parent, or other loved one with us.

  • Benches - Benches can be placed outdoors on any of the three campuses. Staff will work with donors to find the perfect location to sit and remember your loved one. 
  • Trees - A memorial tree may be placed on any of the three campuses, providing shade and growth in memory of your loved one. Donors will have the opportunity to choose from a list of native trees that are appropriate to the location, considering factors that would enable trees to thrive in that environment, school needs, and campus traffic, as well as a memorial plaque staked in front of the tree.
  • Custom memorials - Several opportunities exist to create outdoor memorial spaces and gardens, as well as indoor spaces that can be dedicated to your loved one.

If you are interested in pursuing any of these opportunities, please contact Jennie Wills at [email protected].