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Alumni Class Notes

Guidelines for Submitting Class Notes

What are Class Notes?
Class notes are an important alumni tradition in the spring issue of our school magazine, The Saints Life. They are an opportunity to share your life events and updates with classmates including weddings, births, job changes and promotions, moves, travel, and other life experiences.

How do I submit a Class Note? Class notes are collected and submitted by class ambassadors via email or mail. Not sure if your class has an ambassador? Email [email protected]
**If your class does not have a class ambassador, please email your individual notes to [email protected].

Class Note Content and Length: In order to balance the news that is shared from each alumnus/a, we ask that you limit your news to five sentences. Send us your best highlights. 

Have You Been Traveling?: We love to hear about your travel adventures, but where possible please keep to the basic information about the places you have visited. 

Source of News: If you have met up with another Saints who has news, please encourage them to submit their own class note. Please do not take information from social meetings, written notes, or social media without asking classmates directly if it is okay to mention it.

Engagements/Pregnancies: We are very pleased to hear that Alumni are engaged or expecting children, however we do not publish news of engagements or impending births. We would love to publish the information once we have been informed that the union or birth has occurred. Please keep us in the loop about these important events!

News of Illness: If you wish to share news of an illness, it is best to send that news to your class ambassador or the Alumni Office, who will help disseminate the information privately to your classmates.

Guidelines for Submitting Photos: If you would like to submit a digital photo (and we hope that you do!), publication specifications require that it be in an uncropped, unedited, high-resolution jpeg (300 dpi).
**Please do not size, reduce, or compress photos for emailing. We cannot accept photos downloaded from the Internet. Please try to acquire the original image file and be sure you have the photographers permission to use it.